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Writer's pictureSydney Parker

Why Your Business Needs Spokesperson Videos

Updated: Sep 22, 2023

Written by: Patrick Carlile Edited by: Sydney Coyne

Camera man filming spokesman

What are Spokesperson Videos?

Whether it's a friendly talking reptile, an overly enthusiastic insurance agent, or simply a man in Khakis; every major brand you can think of has this in common: a face for their brand has been created. If you want to stand out in an environment that is only getting more and more competitive by the day, you’re going to want a friendly face representing your brand as well.

One super effective way to add representation to your brand is to use a spokesperson video. A spokesperson video is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. It’s when you put someone in front of the camera to tell your audience what makes your brand so great! Having someone in a video makes it so much easier to communicate clearly and effectively what you have to offer.

There are a lot of people out there searching for what you have to offer but they want to feel comfortable, which means they want to support a brand they can trust. Adding a real person for them to identify with to the mix will help you get off on the right foot.

Why Do You need a Spokesperson Video?

It would be great if you could meet every customer as they walked in your door with a firm handshake and a friendly smile but in many cases, that’s just not possible. Thankfully, in this day and age, we have tools such as video that can give us the next best thing. A spokesperson video gives people who may be interested in your brand a chance to get to know you. Through video, you can explain to them your goals, what your product is, help answer questions, and resolve concerns.

Spokesperson videos are especially versatile and can help achieve a number of purposes. An example you can do with a spokesperson video is: introduce your brand. Have your spokesperson tell your targeted audience what your goals are, who you are, and what you have to offer. This is an opportunity to build trust between you and them and let them know that you are a real person offering a product or service that will make their lives better.

A common, yet effective, thing to do with a spokesperson is to create an explainer video. An explainer video gives your spokesperson the opportunity to talk about your product or service and show your audience how it benefits them. This is an excellent opportunity to strut your stuff.

Spokesperson videos also present the opportunity for you to do something creative and attention-grabbing. 98% of people between the ages of 18 to 24 are watching videos on social media and it's not only TikTok. This includes Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, and Youtube. There are some excellent opportunities to make short attention-grabbing segments to get the word out about your brand.

With a spokesperson video, you are given the ability to choose the image that your audience will associate with your brand. People have a perception of who they want to do business with, so make sure to increase your odds of meeting your audience’s expectations by choosing the “look” of your spokesperson. Clothing, hairstyle, and your set can help deliver the visual picture you want for your brand.

GradCoach Spokeswoman
MEM Media's Spokeswoman Emma Mattei

Who Should Represent Your Brand?

Making this type of content has one very important part to start with... You probably guessed it, it’s the spokesperson! The success of your video will largely be determined by who you put in front of the camera. This face is going to help establish your brand’s look so be particularly careful to choose wisely!

Make sure that you choose an individual that will be professional, able to emote authentically, articulate emotion and speech well, and has a passion for what they are representing. Things such as clothing and hairstyle are also important aspects of how your audience will perceive your brand. As an ambassador for your brand, it is important that you outwardly present how you want your audience to view you.

At MEM Media we understand how important it is to communicate effectively with an audience. We have the experience, the skill, and the right people to help you share what you have to offer. If you’re looking for the right people to be ambassadors for your brand, then you have come to the right place!

Spokeman and Spokeswoman presenting
Owners of MEM Media, Stuart & Emma

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